シェリーマリア澄川のインスタグラム(cheriaries808) - 5月24日 11時29分

Pretty much everything I endured from my experience on Terrace House was complete torture. It is such a great loss to lose a soul due to the brainwashing done to people by a painted tv Program. Your life will not be in vain #RIPHANA The best thing I got out of terrace house right here... go ahead and cyber bully me for my laugh
I did not watch any seasons after I was in mine because I just could not. I feel your pain Hana I did not know you but I know you so well. #lostbutneverforgotten #boycott #terracehouse #boycottrealitytv #boycotttvprogramming #CreateYourOwnReality #SeeBeyondTheMatrix #endcyberbullying #endbullying #stopbelivingthelies #seelove @佐藤魁


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