ギャレット・ディラハントのインスタグラム(garretdillahunt) - 5月9日 03時39分

#fbf @レナ・ヘディ was a great Sarah Connor. This is a scene I’d forgotten about from #TerminatorSCC. My cyborg, Cromartie, treats her poorly. (Don’t worry—she wins in the end). In a stunt fight like this, Lena reminds me of @アリシア・デブナム・キャリー a bit, in that she’s very committed to the “fight” and finds that comic-book panel level of physical expression that just looks great on camera. They go to the completion of the movement. I’m not sure if they’re aware they do it, might just be instinct. But it reminds me to step up my game. It’s a dance, and you’ve got to be on the same page. The stunt crew is invaluable and always helpful in achieving that level of expression. Thanks @the_infiltrator_ for the vid. #TSCC


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