アンジェラ・アイターのインスタグラム(angyeiter) - 4月23日 04時41分

Listen to your needs and loose your hold! Sometimes we are catched in habits and think we have to commit ourselves to follow this way. At the same time our internal needs tell us something different. Instead of leaving our feelings direct us we dig in our heels, even though we truly feel that we are not really satisfied.

#Throwback in 2008 I was totally burnt out because of overstressing myself in job, comps and education. My body alerted for rest, but I persisted to go on. Finally, I badly injured my left shoulder and had to undergo a surgery. Fate exhibited recovery for me! In the end I felt relieved, flourished like a sunflower after a sunbad! I came back stronger and realized that my internal feelings lead me in the right direction and I just need to let it go! Have you experienced@something similar? Would be great to read some stories.

📸 (c) Redbullcontentpool / @woodslave
#verleihtflgel @ferienregionimst @lasportivagram @team_edelrid


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