【#101groove project】 How is everyone doing? I’m doing great and playing the drums at home, but it is a little lonely not being able to go outside, see everyone and all🥁 That’s what made me come up with an awesome idea💡 Let’s all join in and post videos jamming at a 101(BPM) tempo on the drums and other instruments, hashtag #101groove ! I want to try creating a video where I connect all of our performances! You can also play my drums on top of the music in a session!  The reason I chose “101” is because when these difficult times are over, we will bring the world back not just to 100%, but make things even better and go to 101%! No matter where you are around the world, please join me and let’s rock⭐️  #101groove #withme #stayhome #sessionwithyoyoka  【#101grooveプロジェクト】 みなさんお元気ですか?私は元気に家でドラムを叩いています🥁 外に出れなかったり、みんなと会えないのが寂しいです。 そこで、みんなとひとつのテンポで繋がるアイデアを思いつきました。 101のテンポ(BPM)で演奏したドラムや、様々な楽器を #101groove というタグを付けて投稿してみてください! 私のドラムに音を重ねてのセッションでもオッケーです☺️ みなさんの投稿を繋げて動画を作ってみたいです。 “101”の意味は、世界がまた元気になった時に元どおりの100%ではなく、以前より一歩進んだよりよい世界になるような願いを込めて101にしました。 みなさん、ぜひ参加してみてください❣️ #playwithcateen #Yoyoka #よよか

yoyoka_drumsさん(@yoyoka_drums)が投稿した動画 -

かねあいよよかのインスタグラム(yoyoka_drums) - 4月9日 12時13分

#101groove project】
How is everyone doing? I’m doing great and playing the drums at home, but it is a little lonely not being able to go outside, see everyone and all🥁
That’s what made me come up with an awesome idea💡
Let’s all join in and post videos jamming at a 101(BPM) tempo on the drums and other instruments, hashtag #101groove ! I want to try creating a video where I connect all of our performances! You can also play my drums on top of the music in a session! 
The reason I chose “101” is because when these difficult times are over, we will bring the world back not just to 100%, but make things even better and go to 101%! No matter where you are around the world, please join me and let’s rock⭐️

#sessionwithyoyoka  【#101grooveプロジェクト】
101のテンポ(BPM)で演奏したドラムや、様々な楽器を #101groove というタグを付けて投稿してみてください!
みなさん、ぜひ参加してみてください❣️ #playwithcateen

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