ブライアン・メイのインスタグラム(brianmayforreal) - 4月7日 10時06分

FINALLY !!! You can pre-order GET UP ! Please DO !!! This release means a lot to me for a number of reasons - I feel it will genuinely bring rays of hope to many who are in the darkness - and Talia and the girls have put themselves bravely on the line with almost no resources - to launch at an almost impossible time. I guess what I’m saying is I’m proud of this - and proud of them - and even a little bit proud of myself for being the catalyst to make it happen. Preorder and be the first to experience the the full force of the GET UP experience !!! Bri 💥💥💥 I forgot to mention that the track will also benefit MIND – the mental health charity, which is going to be so important in the weeks and months to come, helping people deal with the trauma of the coronavirus tragedy.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



