ジェイド・ペティージョンのインスタグラム(jadepettyjohn_official) - 3月21日 05時22分

***posted this a couple of years ago and reposting because it’s what I currently feel today*** “Wherever you are, look up.... the clouds are lifting. The sun is breaking through. We are coming out of the darkness into the light. We are coming into a new world, a kindler world, where men will rise up above their hate, their greed and brutality. Look up...” -Charlie Chaplin. I’m reposting this a.) because this was one of my favorite shoots with @eringuthmakeup @samanthannis and b.) because of this quote. Due to recent tragic events, I feel a heaviness in myself and in us as a group. I turn on the news, read an article, and I find myself feeling a very deep hurt and betrayal in us as a people. I ask myself, “how can we possibly have gone this far?” And then I stop for a moment. I look through my feed and see hundreds of people helping, donating and volunteering. I see people in a rage and no longer in apathy. I see kindness in the barista who gave me coffee this morning. I see artists making music, telling stories. I see freedom fighters. I see humanity. I feel it. There is so much brutality in the world, but there is oh so much more humanity. I felt a warmth in my belly when I reminded myself that people are basically good. It gave me a new found energy to roll up my sleeves and help the world in any way I can and reiterated the importance of acknowledging goodness. Anyway, I wanted to share this thought with you in hopes that it would do the same for you. I love you very much.


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