吉田ちかのインスタグラム(bilingirl_chika) - 3月16日 19時09分

Me? Definitely the latter lol 

Malaysian Food Week started on our channel yesterday! This week we will be uploading food vlogs from Malaysia everyday😊 We received some comments about being careful going out to places in our vlog yesterday. Thank you all for the concern. I do want to clarify that all the videos we’re going to be uploading this week were filmed 3 or more weeks ago (*except the Ipoh video I uploaded on 3/20, which was filmed on 3/7). We are definitely being more careful about where we go now, and I hope everyone else is to!

I feel like we all need something fun to give us a break from all that’s going on. Hope our videos can provide you guys with something positive to look forward to! 

Someone also mentioned that they were really happy to see our conversation with the Malaysian lady at the end, especially with all the talk about racism being triggered around the world by the corona virus. We get enough of the bad news. I want to share that it’s not all that way. Even now with people in KL being a lot more sensitive to the issue than they were when we filmed the video, we haven’t had any such encounters and feel very safe in that regards. I know that we have some Malaysian viewers now. Thank you for welcoming us! We love it here and we are so glad to have chosen Malaysia as our temporary home!

昨日からYouTubeでマレーシアの食レポWEEKを始めました!今週は毎日マレーシアのフード動画をアップする予定です☆ 昨日アップした動画にこんな時に人混みにいて大丈夫ですか?などのコメントをいただきました。ご心配ありがとうございます。ご存知の方もいると思いますが、YouTubeにアップされる動画は編集が必要なので基本的にかなりのラグがあります。今週アップする動画は全て3週間以上前に撮ったものです。(訂正3/20にアップしたイポーの動画はアップ日から2週間前の3/7に撮影したものです)。現在は、なるべく外出を控えたり、行くところにも気をつけています。(運転手さんに誘われた結婚式も色々と考えた結果お断りしました😢)



#オープンしたばかりのお店でまだライトがついてない🤣 #ケーブルも剥き出し状態 #準備が完全に整ってなくても堂々とオープン #ソフトオープンというらしい #日本では考えられないかもだけど #細かなことを気にせずやっちゃえるのもこっちの魅力かも😊 #にしてもいい感じに食べるのって難しい😅

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