下條ユリのインスタグラム(yurishimojo) - 3月15日 12時03分


More about Sakura piece.
You may think I painted cherry blossom petals over gray circle background, but in fact I started to paint petals first, and kept painting just petals and more petals, then I carefully placed gray, the light sumi (black) ink around petals. It’s not practical at all but it was important ritualistic process to wrap around the each petals one by one because I wanted to dedicate the act of doing so for blessing each spirits. ( see work in progress photos )

The light sumi color represents sorrow and condolence in Japanese tradition.
For the special light sumi tone in the center of Sakura, I used an ink stick I found in my late mother’s calligraphy set. The ink stick was rubbed down to the diagonal shape. When I rubbed her oddly shaped used ink stick, I felt her habit of handling ink stick was transmitted through my hand. It was very strange and emotional feeling.

March is a special month for me because the day after Earthquake, March 12th is my mother's birthday, the 19th is my father’s memorial and in between the 16th is my birthday.
It was the ninth year since Japan’s Great Earthquake and Tsunami this year.
I heard number of huge rainbows appeared all over the affected area in Tohoku when people gathered for the memorial ceremony. Such an unexplainable phenomena of serendipity assured us of the closeness between this side and the other side. Magnificent job !




First 🌸 📸 by @makikaoru
#下條ユリメメントモリ #yurishimojo_watercolors
#Sakura #古梅園


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