ブライアン・メイのインスタグラム(brianmayforreal) - 3月6日 10時34分

Thanks @lindas.stereos for this romance. Yes - good news for the badgers today, but we all know the battle for their release from persecution is not yet over. These entirely innocent families of peaceful intelligent creatures have suffered the most tragic fate of all wild animals in Britain, to our eternal shame. We humans invaded their homelands, infected them with a dreadful disease endemic to farm animals, and then blamed them for giving the disease back. We then slaughtered them in tens of thousands for this imagined crime, often in the most cruel and painful ways. All this in addition to the appallingly cruel ‘sport’ of badger-baiting, in which dogs were sent down into their setts, and you don’t want to know the rest. And did I say “were” ? Even though this disgusting activity was outlawed years ago, it is still practised in some areas of 21st Century Britain. Yes ... if this edict leads to the deliverance of our badgers, it is indeed a historic decision, and I will die happier knowing we played a part in its arrival. Thanks also for the kind words, @lindas.stereos. This is a long road. Bri


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