チャーリー・ジョーダンのインスタグラム(charlyjordan) - 1月15日 01時06分

Does it still count as a thirst trap if it’s a one piece? Debatable 💋
Makeup @rob scheppy
I was looking at my face yesterday and I’ve noticed from the past three years of traveling that my skin has definitely aged a bit from sun damage, flying on dry airplanes, etc. The first sign of baby wrinkles on my forehead. My initial reaction was negative, but then I thought it’s kind of exciting. Aging in today’s world is sort of frowned upon with how much preventative plastic surgery people can get but I think that aging can be graceful and amazing. I guess what I’m saying is that I was kind of excited by my baby wrinkles if that doesn’t make me sound crazy. I think they show a life well lived and lots of stories to tell 😘


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