アリソン・ピルのインスタグラム(msalisonpill) - 12月25日 06時09分

Here is Joann Leonard reading ‘I Go Back to May 1937’ by Sharon Olds. It’s how I’ll always be remembering her: artistic, earnest, always teaching. She was a writer (a memoir, a novel, a children’s book) and an actor and a momma and wife and sister. She was beautiful and over-prepared and underconfident. She was smart and a punster and kind. It was my favourite thing to get her to laugh at something a little wicked. She cooked all my food after the kid was born, and recited poetry to her grandkid daily. She kept history alive, she felt things deeply, and she was frustratingly codependent. There’s never enough time with the people we love. Hug each other close. Love each other too much. We’ll be lighting another candle in our menorah tonight for her. She brought so much light and love to her world. She is so deeply missed.

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