テリーサ・パーマーのインスタグラム(teresapalmer) - 12月24日 19時43分

This is me yesterday, on the way to a supermarket to buy a Christmas tree & decorations to put up in our hotel room. The previous 24 hours were among the most stressful I remember ever having. Due to unforeseen visa issues our Christmas plans suddenly changed at the airport and we were thrust in to a mad dash of how-to-not-ruin-xmas utter chaos. But we made it though all the tears, disappointments & road blocks. We are all together and feel very fortunate. It’s humbling and honestly I’m feeling a tad silly that these issues felt SO big at the time. I’m in a very reflective state.

To anyone facing Christmas in my country Australia without a home after the fires, I am so sorry. To all the people who find Christmas painful because they don’t have the means to buy their children presents I am so sorry, to all of those who have lost loved ones and get triggered by the festive season I am so sorry. To any one at all who is in any kind of mental, physical or emotional anguish and suffering; I am so sorry. My wish this Christmas is that all sentiment beings of this world can find more comfort ❤️


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