レイチェル・ブレイセンのインスタグラム(yoga_girl) - 9月11日 01時10分

All I’ll ever ever ever ever ever need❤️ ⁣

This is such a crazy time for me I honestly don’t know how I’m managing. Every year, end of summer and fall somehow coincides with absolutely everything for us and I, who had the craziest year of all time last year and was supposed to be “slowing down” this year somehow ended up releasing a book, launching a new foundation, kicking off a massive service project, going on a ten-stop book tour, building out a brand new platform, and getting knee-deep in three new creative projects ALL AT THE SAME TIME. And then of course there is that month-long yoga teacher training coming up right in the middle followed by a big retreat😅🙈 ⁣

I am not complaining. All of this is amazing - beyond amazing - but in this exact moment; sitting on my kitchen sofa, clutching my phone trying to figure out how on earth I’m going to manage it all; I am feeling beyond overwhelmed. My brain wants me to write another to-do list and tick things off one by one and get to work and move a little faster but instead, I’m going to stay right here. I’m going to feed my baby lunch. Put her down for a nap. Hug my husband. Drink a cup of tea. And chill the hell out. ⁣

This, is my yoga. To slow down when my mind tells me to speed up. To soften when my instinct is to harden. To sit back and look at my life and realize that at the end of the day I have everything I’m ever, ever going to need. These two. Even if I fail at everything else and it all falls apart my life is nothing short of a god damn fairytale because I have him and I have her. ⁣

We have each other. How did I ever get so lucky❤️

#family #everything


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