スミソニアン博物館のインスタグラム(smithsonian) - 8月23日 20時11分

After the Civil War, Hector Bazy moved west to become a cowboy. His memoir, which is in @smithsonianacm's archives, documents his daily life cattle herding and cooking on the prairies of Texas.
Bazy was enslaved for the first 14 years of his life. As was common for enslaved people, he did not know his family history. In 1865 he chose the name Hector, with Bazy as the name of the man he knew as his father.
Newly freed African Americans like Bazy fought to reclaim identity and establish economic and social independence. The #FreedmensBureau was started after the Civil War to assist in the political and social reconstruction of Southern states and to help formerly enslaved people make the transition to freedom and citizenship.
@smithsoniantranscriptioncenter volunteers have transcribed about 40,000 pages of bureau records, making this content more accessible for researchers and revealing information about the experience of newly freed African Americans during Reconstruction. #Jamestown400 #ANationsStory


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