住吉大社 | sumiyoshitaishaさんのインスタグラム写真 - (住吉大社 | sumiyoshitaishaInstagram)「Following our main festival, Nagoshino Harae Shinji is a summer purification ritual which will be held on July 31st. This ritual features a parade of Nagoshime (nagoshi maidens) and chigo (children in festival procession), followed by common people as they pass through the cogon grass ring as a prayer for good luck. Designated as an Intangible Folk Cultural Property of Osaka Prefecture, this great traditional purification rite has been maintained and passed over generations with care.  The ritual will take place in front of Satsuki-den Hall in the shrine grounds. Feel free to come and be a part of it.  ー 【夏越祓神事】  夏越祓神事(なごしのはらえしんじ)は、7月31日の例大祭に先立って行われるお祓いの神事です。雅な夏越女、稚児の行列に続いて一般参拝の方も茅の輪をくぐり除災招福を祈願します。 「大阪府指定無形民俗文化財」に指定しれており、古式による大祓式が厳かにそして華やかに維持継承されています。」8月23日 16時27分 - sumiyoshitaisha_shrine

住吉大社 | sumiyoshitaishaのインスタグラム(sumiyoshitaisha_shrine) - 8月23日 16時27分

Following our main festival, Nagoshino Harae Shinji is a summer purification ritual which will be held on July 31st. This ritual features a parade of Nagoshime (nagoshi maidens) and chigo (children in festival procession), followed by common people as they pass through the cogon grass ring as a prayer for good luck.Designated as an Intangible Folk Cultural Property of Osaka Prefecture, this great traditional purification rite has been maintained and passed over generations with care. The ritual will take place in front of Satsuki-den Hall in the shrine grounds.Feel free to come and be a part of it. ー

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