レイチェル・ブレイセンのインスタグラム(yoga_girl) - 8月9日 09時16分

In the kitchen, cooking. I’m cutting onions and bell peppers and there is jazz playing and it’s the good kind; the kind that makes me sway and smile as I cook. We’ve had the kind of day that doesn’t require anything of us; no work, no appointments. No errands to run and no place to be but here. Home. We’ve just been eating and playing and swimming and spent time on the couch and it’s been regular and so very every-day and marvelous. I just went for a run and now I have a cold glass of wine on the counter in front of me and in my body there is that simple, beautiful sense of tiredness that comes from having moved a little. ⁣⁣
I reach for the tomatoes when Dennis reaches for me. “Dance with me”, he says. He does that often; pulls me in to dance even though we’re both crap at dancing and he’s a little sarcastic but also 100% serious. It’s not quite dancing but mostly just us swaying, hugging, being close. I pretend he’s annoying me because I’m in the middle of something but actually, I love it. I love dancing in the kitchen with my husband with food on the stove and the dogs at our feet. There is jazz and candles lit and everything is so familiarly wonderful and just as I nuzzle my face into his neck to sink into the moment Lea Luna comes running. “Mommy! Daddy! I want cuddles too!”. So we pick her up and now it’s the three of us, dancing, hugging, swaying... So close. She rests her head on my chest and I can feel her little heart beating right in between ours, right where she’s supposed to be. Everything is right where it’s supposed to be. Just us. Our home. Our family. ⁣⁣
I know that any second now she’ll wriggle her way back down and the dogs will bark and it will be time to get ready for bed and there are books to read and teeth to brush and things to do and at any moment, the spell will be broken and regular life will resume. But right now, here now, standing in the kitchen, just the three of us... My life is perfect. Everything is perfect. ⁣⁣
It’s Thursday evening - just a regular Thursday. And it’s the greatest day of my life.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




