ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 8月8日 19時38分

Photo by Vincent J. Musi @vincentjmusi ⁣⁣|
I’m afraid of cats. ⁣⁣
For all of our adventures, @ナショナルジオグラフィック photographers are not fearless as we all fear not coming back with a picture. Nobody wants to fail, especially when your subject is a slow-moving, 13-year-old house cat. ⁣⁣
Most of the cats I’ve photographed are big ones like lions and tigers and leopards, and I’m out of practice, having spent the last year or so photographing only dogs for a project of my design called The Year of the Dogs.⁣⁣
When asked to contribute to #InternationalCatDay, I hesitantly agreed and reached out to a friend of a friend – Boston, a Maine Coon that I know but rarely see, as she’s like a feline Where’s Waldo in a house full of people, dogs, and furniture arrangements. Boston hides in plain sight and only reveals her position at the end of a visit, as if to say “we enjoyed having you, now please leave.” ⁣⁣
Is The Year of the Cats next for me? I’m not sure I can handle the fear. Stay tuned to @vincentjmusi to see how this plays out. ⁣⁣
Happy International Cat Day. ⁣⁣


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