ジム・パーソンズのインスタグラム(therealjimparsons) - 6月28日 06時59分

As we approach this weekend’s Pride march that coincides with the 50th anniversary of the uprising at the Stonewall Inn, I have put a link in my bio to a beautiful piece in the N.Y. Times by Andrew Solomon about the first Pride March that does a fantastic job of reminding me of just how brave those men and women at that time were and how the tenor and tone of the parade weren’t exactly the same as they are today.
I pulled a couple of my favorite quotes here, in the hopes you might read Solomon’s piece in its entirety. (photos by the late photographer, Michael Evans) * “Pride was not always so unabashedly celebratory; for a long time, it was a radical assault on mainstream values, a means to defy the belief that homosexuality was a sin, an illness and a crime, that gay people were subhuman.” * “The people gathered in these photos reflect a time when it took tremendous courage to march. They were breaking the only tested model then available for queers (the word was still an insult at that time), which was secrecy.” * The newfound pride — often a brittle veneer over profound self-doubt — was not welcomed by many of those who encountered it. A new movement for civil rights is seldom greeted with rapture, and the mainstream fought back hard. A few months after Stonewall, Time magazine wrote, “The ‘homosexual subculture’ is, without question, shallow and unstable... it deserves no encouragement, no glamorization, no rationalization, no fake status as minority martyrdom, no sophistry about simple differences in taste — and, above all, no pretense that it is anything but a pernicious sickness.” * “I can only think that if I had been 20 when that first march took place, I’d have been peering at it anxiously from a distance, a pusillanimous stance I now regret... So I come to these photographs abashed. I admire the people, braver than I, who were out for the first march. I feel such gratitude that these men and women had the wherewithal to declare themselves when doing so was still so acutely dangerous.” Have a wonderful, safe, loud, out and proud Pride, everyone ❤️🌈


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