スミソニアン博物館のインスタグラム(smithsonian) - 6月13日 07時39分

Can you spot the smallest and tallest parts of #DeepTime? The smallest individual fossil in the exhibition is a vertebra (backbone) of an early snake called Coniophis sp. It’s less than a centimeter across—but over 66 MILLION YEARS OLD.
And on the other side of the spectrum: Diplodocus. Stretched out, this big guy is 87 feet long, more than 13 feet tall, and would have weighed 12 to 13 tons in life. Diplodocus’ massive size makes me ask BIG questions: How did they get to be THAT big? What is it like to live THAT large? I hope people come to #DeepTime and start asking their own questions. Or become a scientist, and start answering some! — Siobhan Starrs, @SmithsonianNMNH #DeepTime project manager


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