ローレン・ヤングのインスタグラム(lo_young) - 6月7日 09時48分

2019 MOOD. Life has been pretty good these past two weeks because I have been blessed, not materially, but with patience, kindness and humility. I started going to @favor.church 2 weeks ago and attended my first connect group last night and I was never one to turn to God or go to church. I’ve had some faith and have always believed in a higher being but never really practiced what I preached and for the 2 weeks thats exactly what I did, I practiced. I practiced being kind, being generous with my time and most importantly discipline. Discipline in loving myself, taking care of myself and treating my mind and body with respect. This is my journey, its a totally different path from what I’m used to but this time around I’m not as scared as I used to be. Happy weekend! 💖


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



