ラモーネ・モリスのインスタグラム(lamorne) - 5月24日 04時17分

#tbt to another commercial that changed my life. I passed on the audition for this because I thought it was a buyout. For those who don’t know, a buyout essentially pays you a lump sum of money and then they air the commercial as much as they want. At the time I’d done so many commercials that I refused to do a buyout. I need those residuals! So after I refused, my agent said “no, not a buyout! Vegas switched up the flow! You will get residuals.” So I auditioned and booked it. Got partnered up with the brilliant @BrandonKeener who killed it! Interesting thing about this commercial is that the casting director for #NewGirl saw it...requested that I come read for the show. Then @mrdamon2 started f*cking up my momentum. Then Nevermind. I’m Back in business...Then here we are! Til this day Damon sends me unsolicited nudes of elderly men from the google. Not called for at all. But if it weren’t for @vegas who knows where’d I’d be...😉#GivingSpeechesLikeHannahSimone


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