株式会社タベルモ_生_スピルリナのインスタグラム(taberumo_spirulina) - 5月17日 10時44分


We are getting into the season where we constantly become more conscious about our skin getting tanned because of the ultraviolet rays in the sunlight. It is an essential routine to take care about our own skin on a daily basis. We are presenting you here an idea on how you can improve your skincare with Tavelmout. This is a special facemask made out of yogurt, honey and Tavelmout. Tavelmout is additive-free so it is harmless to your skin as well. Do you know why Tavelmout’s color is dark green? The secret behind is due to its antioxidant element, Phycocyanin. This element can work as anti-aging. It also has an ability to improve your immune system.

#タベルモ #ヘルシーフード #アイス #新緑の季節 #春 #仕事再開 #ヨガ #ローフード #健康 #美容 #緑 #今年の目標 #美肌 #ヘルシー #デトックス #スーパーフード #生スピルリナ #スピルリナ #greenery #無添加 #ナチュラルフード #spring #spirulina #algae #superfoodnutrition #ice #yoga #foodgoals #dailyfood


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



