山口淳一のインスタグラム(junichi_yamaguchi) - 4月23日 20時57分

Arabica京都 東山 - Instagrammers Gourmet

English sentence is below.
Arabica京都の立ち上げから携わり5年、これまで沢山のお客様にコーヒーを作らせて頂くと共に、See the world through coffeeというスローガンの元、コーヒーを通して世界25カ国以上を見ることができ、本当に充実すぎる5年間を過ごすことができました。

Today I have something important to share with you all.
As of May 31, 2019, I am leaving Asiamix Ltd, the parent company of % Arabica. I joined the company five years ago and have been working as the head barista for % Kyoto from the first day we opened. % Arabica’s growth has been incredible since then, and just like the brand slogan ''See the World Through Coffee,'' I had the opportunity to visit 25 countries through my role as Global Head Barista. It has been a fantastic experience serving coffee in Kyoto, visiting coffee origins, and teaching our foreign baristas in various countries. I experienced new countries, culture, foods and also met so many people.
This whole journey has been fun and educational, but at the same time, it made me feel that I need to learn so much more to further improve myself. With this in mind, I am now ready to move to the next chapter of my life.
Though I am leaving the company, I will stay involved with % Arabica as a brand ambassador. I will also be starting my own coffee consultancy which I'd like to support cafes in Japan and the world to serve quality coffee and bring in more business.
My life changed a lot through % Arabica, and I hope one day I can become a person who will do the same for other individuals and businesses.
Thank you for taking the time to read this announcement.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




