スミソニアン国立動物園のインスタグラム(smithsonianzoo) - 4月5日 00時27分

🐀Happy #WorldRatDay! Many people wonder why we have Norway rats on exhibit at the Zoo, but the truth is that the Think Tank is a fitting home for this species! For more than a century, scientists have used rats to study animal intelligence. From their experiments, we learned that rats have excellent short-term memory, which comes in handy for navigating mazes. 🧠Stop by Think Tank to visit Norway rats Donut, Muffin and Cupcake! MEET OUR ANIMALS: https://s.si.edu/2h3CN1W.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




Animals Videoのインスタグラム
Animals Videoさんがフォロー
