ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 3月29日 07時06分

Segregation has been the story of New York City’s schools for 50 years. This photo, taken in 1964, shows white families from PS 92 in Corona, Queens, passing black families from PS 149 in nearby Jackson Heights. The 2 schools were paired, meaning students from each school were sent to the other to foster integration. Today, New York City’s schools remain among the most segregated in the U.S. The deep racial divide was highlighted last week when 8th graders who had taken the specialized high school admission test received offers to attend the city’s highly selective public schools. At Stuyvesant High School, one of New York’s — and America’s — elite public schools, only 7 black students were offered a slot, out of 895 slots. “Why have schools remained so segregated for so long?” writes #nytimes reporter Eliza Shapiro. “And what can the city’s leaders do to change a 50-year status quo?” Patrick A Burns shot this photo. Visit the link in our profile to read more from Eliza, and follow @nytarchives for more #throwback photos.


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