ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 3月29日 03時59分

In Opinion | “I have a home!” Tanitoluwa Adewumi said in wonderment. Our opinion columnist Nick Kristof recently wrote about Tani, an 8-year-old refugee from Nigeria who lived with his family in a homeless shelter in New York. About a year ago, Tani started learning how to play #chess at his local elementary school. Earlier this month, he was named a New York state chess champion for the kindergarten through third grade category. Tani is a reminder that “talent is universal, even if opportunity is not,” Nick wrote. After we shared his story, an anonymous donor gave Tani and his family rent for a year and they are now living in a 2-bedroom apartment. A @gofundme also raised more than $200,000, but his family plans to give it all away. “God has already blessed me,” Tani’s dad told Nick. “I want to release my blessing to others.” @theotherchrislee shot this photo for @nytopinion. Visit the link in our profile to read more from @NickKristof.

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