ロン・パールマンのインスタグラム(perlmutations) - 3月8日 09時38分

What a great organization...
#Repost @bootcampaign with @download_repost
“Boot Campaign is celebrating its 10-year-anniversary this year, and we’re looking better than ever. Along the way, we’ve had bad hair, a few questionable outfits and certainly been tongue-tied on camera. We’ve also grown a few more gray hairs. But, above all, what pales in comparison to those blips is our commitment to awakening the inner patriot in every American.

I’ll remember fondly our very first motorcycle ride and rally where cast members of the FX show Sons of Anarchy leveraged their celebrity to draw the crowd together to benefit our cause. The feeling and sound of the motorcycles departing and then returning to the venue was exhilarating.” @bootcampaign Co-Founder Leigh Ann Ranslem (Link in bio for full article in Homeland Magazine Page 6) #tbt #BootCampaignTurns10


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