エイミー・デビッドソンのインスタグラム(amy_davidson) - 2月28日 01時52分

A fable written by yours truly...?

Once upon a time, there was a young girl who grew up among the “cacti” in a very hot desert.? As a wee one, she did not have a love for these cactus plants surrounding her home.??‍♀️ Mind you, they were EVERYWHERE. She never thought so many years later she would fall so deeply in love with cacti and succulents, dreaming of ways to put them in every corner of her home.?Literally, EVERY. CORNER. So when this girl grew up and became a mommy to a baby boy,?? she was over the moon when this sweet one revealed that he too, shared her love of desert plants.? Together they browse nurseries, go to botanical gardens and plant these special thick leafed beauties. Maybe one day this little boy will become a world renowned botanist???‍? Or doctor???‍⚕️ Rockstar???‍? Superhero???‍♂️ Whatever makes his sweet heart happy! Just always remember to bring mommy succulents! ?❤️?
And they lived happily ever after...✨?✨?

You’re welcome. ?

In all seriousness, this painting, my FAVORITE painting in our house, is from @grandinroad ?? and so are many other pieces I love that we’ve added to our home! Sharing some of our “finishing touches” before the renovation is even complete?? on the blog! If you haven’t yet, check out @grandinroad ? Their website makes me do the happy dance!?

? @ographr ?


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