ジェニー・ガースのインスタグラム(jenniegarth) - 2月10日 02時19分

So honored to be working with these exceptional ladies at the Go Red for Women luncheon yesterday in my home state of Illinois 🐻 #gobears #fightingillini As a spokesperson for @american_heart it is always my pleasure to share my story of how heart disease has affected me and my family. But mostly to help educate and bring awareness to the fact that heart disease and related heart health issues are the #1 killer of women BUT that 80% of cardiovascular disease is PREVENTABLE by living a healthy lifestyle (making healthy food choices, exercise, knowing your numbers (blood pressure, cholesterol, BMI & blood sugar) and NOT SMOKING) The heart is a very forgiving organ, so even if you’ve abused your body and heart in the past, you can start TODAY by resetting and committing to taking better care of yourself. Taking care of YOURSELF and YOUR health is the most important thing you will do today!! We have to stay healthy so we can continue taking care of everyone we love 💕 #goredforwomen #champaigngored #lifeiswhy #illinois #midwest #heart #americanheartassociation @lulus ❤️


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