ヘザー・モリスのインスタグラム(heatherrelizabethh) - 2月4日 06時27分

I think it’s taken me a good thirty years of my life to take into consideration that stretching can save your body. I grew up knowing that if I didn’t stretch, I’d still be ok, a little sore, but still OKAY. And then age hit me, having two kids and destroying my body for twenty eight years all caught up and my body finally said ENOUGH. It started fighting back and resisting any time I didn’t take a few moments to stretch beforehand; I’d be stuck on the couch for days with a back injury; my husband having to take over our lives. And then one day I’m like, you might not be able to walk past a certain age or hang out with your grand kids because of the condition by body was in after ONE class or ONE 40 minute run on the treadmill. So, please use this lesson I’ve given you: stop a moment to just make sure you’re ensuring a future for the home that you dwell in everyday. I know this might not apply to you, but I think it’s a lesson learned and a lesson worth sharing for those of you who might need a nudge (before you’re thirty and feeling sixty five). K bye


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