SHANTIのインスタグラム(shantimusic) - 1月22日 22時44分

I choose cruelty free facial products. Most cosmetics are animal tested. A lot of rabbits and other creatures suffer from harmful chemical testing on their skin and eyes. I have seen horrific documentary photos. I don’t want to contribute to that anymore so I decided to make a choice. These two products are my winter favorites. To the left is Abricot oil I bought at a bio cosmetic store in Paris. Absorbs really quickly. I can use it to remove makeup as well and this is also good if you have any facial warts or blemishes. To the right is a Shea butter based beauty balm. Excellent facial cream, mask, and for exfoliating too. There are no added fragrances but the natural scent of this herbal blend is so relaxing. #neilsyardremedies #biocosmetics I align what I consume with my values. 自分の価値観と消費を一致させる。動物実験をしていないコスメを選択してます。


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



