Monday満ちるのインスタグラム(mondaymichiru) - 12月17日 08時54分

As the year draws to a close in just two weeks, I am reflecting on a lot: things undone, goals not met, ways I want to change for betterment — always a great time to review.
One thing I feel is that there is more “noise” and distractions, particularly of the cyber kind, and I’d like to edit that. Another thing I think about, with my disorganized and cluttered home and particularly in the aftermath of the devastating California fires where people lost so much, is how I need to buy less, to use what I have, and to simplify my life more.
In an FB women’s group I’m in, a member challenged us to abstain from buying new clothes and beauty products for 6 months in an effort to consume less, to go on a shopping diet, to become conscious of habits we may have of emotional buying. It really is an excessive material world we live in that feeds insecurities more than nourishing the soul.
In this picture, I’m wearing a top I got in a clothing swap this year, a discarded item that I think is adorable and unique. A pair of old torn jeans that I’ve owned for a few years. Pair of boots that have long expired its fashionable position and yet I love dearly, in its 12th year accompanying my walks. Sans makeup. Do I feel less...pretty? Of value? Less talented? Less intelligent? Less soulful? No.
2019. I’m ready for you. With open arms, open eyes, open mind, open


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