ブライアン・サフィのインスタグラム(bryansafi) - 12月7日 03時40分

My sex ed growing up was super-nuanced. My friend David told me that when you turn 13 you poo out of your penis and pee out of your butt. And guess what, it happened! As I got older the guiding principle of my sex education became, YOU TOUCH YOU DIE. Which is why not only was I so scared to have same-sex attraction growing up, I was mortified by own body. That if I gave into what it wanted, I'd be done for. It's wild to think amidst all this progress that sex education is still kinda taboo. Much less queer sex education, which is practically non-existent. Super proud of @Loversstores for recognizing that sexuality and desire should be inclusive and not just a male gaze fantasy. Btw this was the first photo I took with my first boyfriend ever, in my door room, senior year. I touched and honey I did not die.

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