thephotosocietyのインスタグラム(thephotosociety) - 12月1日 11時25分

Photograph by David Chancellor @chancellordavid - a Suri tribal warrior wears a colourful protective headdress armour made from straw to protect him during battle, Omo River Valley, Ethiopia - Warriors fight naked with the exception of these headdresses, and straw arm cuffs. If a fighter dies during battle his family will be compensated. However in accordance with tribal custom the men refuse to show pain, even while bearing deep flesh wounds; although it is strictly prohibited to hit a contestant when he is on the ground. The victorious warrior is then allowed to pick a wife from the tribe. Women can refuse the warrior but being chosen by the champion is considered a great honour. To see more from here and elsewhere follow me @chancellordavid @ナショナルジオグラフィック @everydayextinction #ethiopia #suri #omorivervalley


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