ヨランテ・ヴァン・カスベルヘンのインスタグラム(yolanthecabau) - 11月27日 13時43分

This week my baby boy and I had the honour to meet more than 400 amazingly beautiful and tremendously strong souls! ❤️ We prayed together, ate together and sang together. ?? All of them have their own heartbreaking inhuman sad story behind them. ? But their willpower to love and to live is indescribable! And think about it.. these are just children. ? It's because of them that makes me wanna fight for justice and freedom! A big thanks to everybody that helped & donated.. And also to the ones that will do so in the future ?? With your help we will rescue more & more little girls, those who are waiting as we speak for a wonder to happen. Bless you all!! ❤️
You can find all information at www.freeagirl.com ❣️
( listen to what they sing in the end... ?)

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