ショウン・トンプソンのインスタグラム(shaunt) - 11月17日 01時09分

MENTAL HEALTH DAY! A lot of the time when people call out from work it’s because they have a cold, a fever or something visually physical that proves that they’re “under the weather”. More times than not, our mental health doesn’t get viewed as being under the weather because it’s a feeling. Stress is hard to see from the outside. While not all stress I bad stress, we still need to take time to heal, mentally. After completing the filming of @transform_20 I realized how mentally focused I had to be the entire time in ways that I wasn’t pushed before. So today, I’m taking a mental health day. To clear my mind, release the pressure and to enjoy not having to think too much! If you’re going through something, don’t hesitate to take a break or talk to someone. It really makes you feel a whole lot better. #positivelyselfish #tisfortransformation #mentalhealth #friday #dayoff #conqueryourmindtransformyourlife


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