ショウン・トンプソンのインスタグラム(shaunt) - 11月16日 10時44分

♥️WE WANT TO SHARE our baby journey with you! Since Sander and Silas were born, you have all been such a great support system for us!Well, this Saturday our boys turn 1 year old and at 8amPST/11amEST our 3 PART DOCUMENTARY will air on IGTV! We know a lot of you out there have been through a similar struggle and hopefully this documentary will not only answer questions about how we’ve come to have twins, but to show you that YOU ARE NOT ALONE ON YOUR JOURNEY! Next week @scottphotobombs and I will do an IG LIVE to answer questions and open up the conversation! Thank you and enjoy! ♥️ #baby #documentary #fertility #struggle #twins #love #loveislove #happiness #surrogacy #surrogate


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