エリザベス・ヘンストリッジのインスタグラム(lil_henstridge) - 11月9日 12時02分

REPOST FROM THE MAGIC THAT IS ?@houseofvenskus ?
“So...I was just informed that I was not cast in a role on a show because I wasn’t seen as “Authentically LGBTQ” enough. After I picked my jaw up off the floor I pieced together my thoughts enough to say this: 1️⃣ Are you fucking blind?! …sorry just had to get that out of the way 2️⃣ I’m so tired and frustrated with this Hollywood stereotype of LGBTQ. What does that even mean to be ‘Authentic LGBTQ’? Do I not look the part to you? What does the ‘part’ of LGBTQ look like to you Hollywood if actual LGTBQ people can’t even be seen as ‘Authentic.’ 3️⃣ Why are we perpetuating the stereotypes and generalities that have been set for us by people who don’t even know us 4️⃣ Acting is just that… ACTING. Now I know this is a touchy subject for a lot of people especially with the major fuck ups of whitewashing in big budget movies, and yes that is WRONG, I do however agree with an actors right to embody a part that is not naturally inherent to them. That is why it is in fact called…ACTING. 5️⃣ I am a bisexual woman, I am in the LGBTQ community, and I live AUTHENTICALLY every damn day ✌?”
❤️ LOVE YOU LADY!!!!! ❤️


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