アリ・シンプソンのインスタグラム(allisimpson) - 11月6日 17時53分

rant time ?? just started my journey to health & fitness with mr @jonocastanoacero!! recently I’ve decided on a lifestyle change.. I want to hit the pillow each night knowing I’ve had a productive day of hard work & pure, clean happiness.. I want to be up for the sunrise every morning knowing that each waking day I am one step closer to my goal!! dunno about you guys but I am SICK of being hungover!!! ☠️☠️☠️ it only equals feeling like shit when you wake up which leads to NO exercise & BAD eating ? don’t get me wrong I LOVEEE a drink(s) & a boogie ?? and I truly believe life’s all about balance ?? but we’ve got our whole lives to party & do whatever we want.. so with a couple years of ups & downs under my belt I’ve reached a point where I think it’s time to find the true core of my confidence & happiness.. nobody is perfect but we can sure find our perfect selves cause heckkkk we’ve got 1 life & 1 chance to be the best us we can be!! love yourself cause if all falls away all you got is your sexy self!! short term pain for long term gain you loverrrrrs ?????????? love AS xx


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