松永祥兵のインスタグラム(matsunaga.shohei) - 11月1日 20時01分


Sports imparts important values and plays a crucial role in enabling people to live rich and comfortable lives. They apply regardless of age, gender, physical ability and athlete level and are part of the growing process that shapes the way we are and enables each and every individual to achieve their goals and dreams.

Mizuno strives to not only help individuals who believe in the value of sports in pursuing their goals, but to also support the process for going beyond those goals both inside the boundaries of sport and out.

Let's strive to go one step further each time, let’s #REACHBEYOND. [COMING SOON] 9 countries, 108 winners. Stand a chance to become a Mizuno ambassador, watch this space.

#reachbeyond #mizuno #mizunoid


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