オレーシャ・ルーリンのインスタグラム(olesyarulin) - 10月24日 08時56分

" I've been practicing yoga for 8 years and love the way it helps me stay grounded and present. This past year I've been practicing at home since getting to a studio wasn't feasible. I know more and more of us are on the go, traveling more, working more etc, that's why I use @yogadownload and their Gratitude Adjustment Program - 30 Days of Yoga for Living your Best Life. Every class is $1 for a limited time, download and keep them forever to practice anywhere anytime. Sat Nam to that." To get flowing with @yogadownload :
follow them on IG
click on their link to download a class for $1
new themes every day
you only pay for the classes you want ( love this )


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