Pitta is the fire dosha and is traditionally said to be composed of both fire and water and the balance between. Often associated with the digestive fire, Pitta people tend be rather hungry frequently! When Pitta is in harmony digestion is good and all the organs are functioning well. Intelligence and clear perception as well as a strong drive are some of the positive qualities of Pitta. On the other hand, anger outbursts, inflammatory conditions, cystic acne, and overheating are just some of the things that come up when Pitta is out of balance. _ Day 3 is Prasarita Padottanasana. This asana works to balance the Pitta qualities in the body. This wide-legged forward fold encourages an activation of the pelvic floor and drawing in of the lower belly. The standing nature of the forward bend means that you will not have to work as hard as in seated forward folds to move as deeply into the inner work of the asana. Energy channels running through the inner thighs that stimulate the organs and optimize digestion. _ Alignment keys to think about while practicing— . *Separate the feet far beyond hip’s width apart to allow for a true wide-legged forward fold *Be sure that the heels are ever so slightly wider apart than the toes. This helps prevent the ankles from buckling and gives you more stability *Engage the inner thighs while lifting the arches of the feet. This helps to activate the muscles along the inner thighs and encourages a deeper forward fold *Relax the muscles of the back and elongate the neck. Avoid tensing anywhere along the back of the body *Keep the pelvic floor engaged to support the lower back * If you’re not able to immediately go deeply, don’t try and force it and don’t judge yourself, just keep practicing _ For more details about the doshas and Ayurveda watch Sahara’s new course on @omstarsofficial Be sure to check in with @iamsahararose for today’s Pitta-balancing routine. _ Join the challenge here (link also in bio) and help us raise money for @oneprosper with help from @bhaktifans _ https://omstars.com/challenges/eat-like-a-yogi _ Photo @ifilmyoga #practiceyogachangeyourworld#onebreathatatime ?

kinoyogaさん(@kinoyoga)が投稿した動画 -

キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 10月3日 22時24分

Pitta is the fire dosha and is traditionally said to be composed of both fire and water and the balance between. Often associated with the digestive fire, Pitta people tend be rather hungry frequently! When Pitta is in harmony digestion is good and all the organs are functioning well. Intelligence and clear perception as well as a strong drive are some of the positive qualities of Pitta. On the other hand, anger outbursts, inflammatory conditions, cystic acne, and overheating are just some of the things that come up when Pitta is out of balance.
Day 3 is Prasarita Padottanasana. This asana works to balance the Pitta qualities in the body. This wide-legged forward fold encourages an activation of the pelvic floor and drawing in of the lower belly. The standing nature of the forward bend means that you will not have to work as hard as in seated forward folds to move as deeply into the inner work of the asana. Energy channels running through the inner thighs that stimulate the organs and optimize digestion.

Alignment keys to think about while practicing— .
*Separate the feet far beyond hip’s width apart to allow for a true wide-legged forward fold
*Be sure that the heels are ever so slightly wider apart than the toes. This helps prevent the ankles from buckling and gives you more stability
*Engage the inner thighs while lifting the arches of the feet. This helps to activate the muscles along the inner thighs and encourages a deeper forward fold
*Relax the muscles of the back and elongate the neck. Avoid tensing anywhere along the back of the body
*Keep the pelvic floor engaged to support the lower back
* If you’re not able to immediately go deeply, don’t try and force it and don’t judge yourself, just keep practicing

For more details about the doshas and Ayurveda watch Sahara’s new course on @omstarsofficial Be sure to check in with @iamsahararose for today’s Pitta-balancing routine.
Join the challenge here (link also in bio) and help us raise money for @oneprosper with help from @bhaktifans
Photo @ifilmyoga
#practiceyogachangeyourworld#onebreathatatime ?


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