サマンサウィルスのインスタグラム(samanthawills) - 10月1日 19時57分

Helping my parents get their house ready to sell & thought I was being a star daughter by offering to mow the grass this afternoon. Dad couldn’t help himself with some encouraging side commentary while taking this photo, as he said “for evidence”....? ⠀
DAD: “I’m bloody glad I’m not bloody paying to have this job done. I just inspected your work out the front... front lawns got more bloody patches than a mad woman’s quilt.”⠀

ME: “? Well, Dad... I’ll try and keep the back yard the same for consistency than.”⠀ ⠀ ⠀
⠀ ⠀
DAD: “No doubt you will. I’m going to have to run the mower over it all again anyway, can’t have the lawn looking like it was done by a blind hairdresser for when the realtor comes tomorrow. Truly, I’m going to be busier than a one legged ballerina. Anyhoo, get a wriggle on would you, I need you to fire up the Spotify for me so I can finish listening to The Teachers Pet i-pod-cast.”⠀

STILL DAD: “And mind the stuff on the line would you? Your Mother will make me re-wash if there’s grass clippings on it.” ⠀


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




