ミシェル・オバマのインスタグラム(michelleobama) - 9月19日 00時15分

When I was younger, thinking about going to college sometimes gave me a pit in my stomach. I came from a working-class family on the South Side of Chicago. I was young, black, and female. Of course I doubted myself.
But I never let those fears get the best of me, in large part because I learned to ask for help when I needed it. I found friends and mentors who helped me realize I belonged. And if I failed—which I did, a lot—I learned to pick myself up and keep going. That’s how I ended up with the education I needed to go on to become a lawyer, a nonprofit leader, a hospital executive, and First Lady of the United States.
No matter what kind of life you want to build for yourself, you’ve already got the raw materials inside. But to make your dreams a reality, you’ve also got to continue your education after high school, whether that’s at a community college, a university, or a career & technical program.
College is worth it. YOU are worth it. Never, ever doubt that for a second. #BetterMakeRoom @BetterMakeRoom @ReachHigher2020


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