People say that yoga is for everyone. I agree. Yoga is for everyone today. But the fact that yoga is widely and readily available for the world is a revolution. _ For thousands of years yoga was practiced in India by spiritual aspirants who renounced the world in service of the highest truth. These seers or Rishis of ancient India were sometimes called keepers of the way of the knowledge of how to know God, or protectors of the path to the Divine. It is because of their devotion and dedication that we have the practice today. _ But, don’t think that you or I could have walked into their classroom and signed up a class. No, we would likely not qualify as students. Sometimes students had to prove themselves to the teacher by performing tasks, like memorizing the four books of the Yoga Sūtras. _ The lineage of yoga that I practice and teach comes from Sri T. Krishnamacharya. When the first Western female student of yoga requested to study with him, he said no. Then he asked her to eat only root vegetables for a few months and jump through various other hoops. Finally he taught her. Her name is Indra Devi. _ Later in life, people asked Krishnamacharya what the future of yoga would be. He replied that the women of the world are the future of yoga. He said that all women should be taught the sacred teachings that had previously been kept aside only for certain subsets of society. _ Now, here we are in an age where yoga is readily available. Thousands of people all over the world practice with me every day online!! I’m so grateful that I can contribute to the revolution of yoga. And yoga practice is a revolution. Don’t underestimate it! When you practice yoga your life changes. And, what’s more, you have a technique that gives you a direct, personal and revelatory experience of God. For centuries, a select few in positions of power and at the heads of institutional religions have defined what God is and who was worthy of Grace. Yoga changes all that. It shifts the balance of power into YOUR heart. You have the power, the means and whosoever will practice will find the door to the true light of this world. _ #practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime

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キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 9月10日 02時03分

People say that yoga is for everyone. I agree. Yoga is for everyone today. But the fact that yoga is widely and readily available for the world is a revolution.
For thousands of years yoga was practiced in India by spiritual aspirants who renounced the world in service of the highest truth. These seers or Rishis of ancient India were sometimes called keepers of the way of the knowledge of how to know God, or protectors of the path to the Divine. It is because of their devotion and dedication that we have the practice today.
But, don’t think that you or I could have walked into their classroom and signed up a class. No, we would likely not qualify as students. Sometimes students had to prove themselves to the teacher by performing tasks, like memorizing the four books of the Yoga Sūtras.
The lineage of yoga that I practice and teach comes from Sri T. Krishnamacharya. When the first Western female student of yoga requested to study with him, he said no. Then he asked her to eat only root vegetables for a few months and jump through various other hoops. Finally he taught her. Her name is Indra Devi.
Later in life, people asked Krishnamacharya what the future of yoga would be. He replied that the women of the world are the future of yoga. He said that all women should be taught the sacred teachings that had previously been kept aside only for certain subsets of society.
Now, here we are in an age where yoga is readily available. Thousands of people all over the world practice with me every day online!! I’m so grateful that I can contribute to the revolution of yoga. And yoga practice is a revolution. Don’t underestimate it! When you practice yoga your life changes. And, what’s more, you have a technique that gives you a direct, personal and revelatory experience of God. For centuries, a select few in positions of power and at the heads of institutional religions have defined what God is and who was worthy of Grace. Yoga changes all that. It shifts the balance of power into YOUR heart. You have the power, the means and whosoever will practice will find the door to the true light of this world.
#practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime


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