クラウディア・ジョーダンのインスタグラム(claudiajordan) - 9月4日 04時31分

So I was in my comfortable bed perfectly ok with a day of laziness, comprised of watching tv, snacking and being on IG all day when my girl @manifesting_mary called around 7am talking bout joining her and her trainer @jovihoughfitness at Fryman Canyon for a cute lil workout. I told her it was way too early in the morning for my voice to work properly and I wasn’t ready to speak to Her just yet. ? So I went and made myself some hot tea ☕️ and took a moment to reevaluate my life and just how lazy I’d become lately cause I’ve been a lil melancholy- so I decided to go and try this Lil workout with her trainer thing out. And——- here’s some clips from today. I’m so glad I went! Jovi is a fantastic trainer and it’s the best way to start your day off. The hardest part is truly the first 2 weeks getting into a rhythm and once you’re past that- you’ll be hooked. And it doesn’t take long to see results. Swipe right for the footage and don’t judge us for the extremely ratchet playlist- it wasn’t mine (but i liked it) ??‍♀️??‍♀️??‍♀️ lol! Hit up @jovihoughfitness to get on board! Ages #23 #29 and #45


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



