ローラ・ベイリーのインスタグラム(laurabaileylondon) - 9月2日 05時28分

Girls’ weekend.
Me & my Tiger~girl.

I wanted wine & salty olives in the hotel bar.
She wanted to dress up and go out.
I wore my best hot pink @エムアイエイチジーンズ over a slip I’ll probably sleep in.
She wore an ‘off-the-shoulder’ dress and her fancy Capri sandals & an air of vague disappointment. ‘Let me at least plait your hair Mama..?’. Today we walked and talked and fought and laughed, and fell briefly awestruck~silent in the Chapelle du Rosaire de Vence made immortal by Matisse ~ prayers in the shape of flowers. ‘You were right Mummy, it’s spooky-peaceful-magical and you look so happy and do you believe in God and can we get a taxi now? And ice-cream...?’. Summer storms, & love. ☀️⚡️ @chateaustmartin
Last dance of summer ???


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