モービーのインスタグラム(moby) - 8月29日 00時40分

Years ago I started doing Muay Thai(kickboxing), with @sunnyandsassy . When I first started I would get completely exhausted after even 2 minutes, which confused me, as I wasn’t in terrible shape. And then one day I realized I was getting exhausted because I was tensing all of my muscles before training/sparring. I made a concerted effort to not tense my muscles, and suddenly I wasnt exhausted after 2 minutes. I try to remember this on a daily basis, asking myself: how am I adding unnecessary stress and tension to my life? We all have tons of stress and tension, but working to let go of pointless stress and tension can help you to be happier, healthier, and less irritable. Ok, that’s it. #baldhippie

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