ティファニー・アルボードのインスタグラム(tiffanyalvord) - 7月20日 05時22分

? girls supporting girls ?
I grew up super competitive, there was always a “best” or “number 1” and NATURALY who doesn’t want to be the “best”. ?‍♀️ It took me SOO long to realize everyone DOESN’T have to be competition. I realized that there’s room for everyone to be successful and that we can all learn from each other & HELP each other. (It’s SO easy to dislike or get discouraged by someone doing better/more than you.. ? GUILTY!) I also learned the journey is a whole lot more fun when you love on people & they love on you! ? So instead of hating someone bc their eyebrows are on fleek ? or bc they are better at x,y,z maybe just be their friend and support them. To genuinely be HAPPY for their accomplishments because they’re working hard too! ? Maybe just maybe your whole world will start to change. ❤️ Team #morelove!! •
? @adelainemorin thanks for spreading such an awesome message and being such an example of this! (She made me feel instantly included and loved when she didn’t have to just by being a friend and being inclusive. Feeling slightly on the outside at the time, it meant the world!) & the world needs more people like her! ?

?: @alexseyreyes ❤️


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