ナタリア・コルドバ・バックリーのインスタグラム(yosoycordova) - 7月3日 07時34分

Take note. This is how we heal the earth, our selves, humanity. One choice at a time...✨〽️✨
“I think one of the most important things for people to understand is don't feel helpless when you look at all the problems of the world.
Realize that if you think about the consequences of the small choices you make each day -- what you buy, what you eat, where did it come from, how was it made, did it harm the environment, cruelty to animals, child slave labor -- [you] make more ethical decisions.
It's not just you. It's more and more people around the world. In the end, it's hundreds of millions of people making small choices, that are the right choices, that leads us to a new kind of world."
- Jane Goodall

Via @revolution_for_nonviolence


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